
The authors:

My name is Leonie, 27, student and absolutely in love with stories. In whatever shape they come: films, tv shows, books, games, comics or even good ol’ gossip. Anything that transports me into another world or makes me interested in learning more about different kinds of people is worth having a look at. That is why I’ve decided to start this blog. It’s a space to write about these stories, create fan theories, delve into conspiracies involving our favourite characters and spark our lovely readers’ curiosity. Other than that I spend my days working, learning languages and buying things which I don’t and will never need (I own a plastic panda that shits jellybeans and a shot glass with a compass at the bottom. Nuff said).
The question “If you could choose a decade to live in, which would it be?” is something I think a lot about. If I had to choose a decade, it would be a severely modified version of the 80s. Because the 80s had some great music, art, fashion and ideologies to offer. But I wouldn’t want to live without the medical advances of today (not those that we’ll have in the future, cause I’m terrified of A.I.s and nanobots and all that scary sci-fi robopocalypse stuff). Plus the social equality of all humans that we’ll hopefully have acheived in a decade not too far into the future. And a punk culture that won’t be reduced to the label ‘sub-culture’. Yeah, that would be the decade I’d like to live in.


Viktoria, 23, student. I never liked the name Viktoria precisely for the reasons my parents loved it: universal and common. Today, I am glad to have such an easy name that can be understood everywhere and even has a cameo in the NATO phonetic alphabet, the male version at least. Also, it means “conqueror” and no one conquers the hearts of fictional characters like I do. One of my obsessions is dogs – I love dogs. My four-legged companion is a 12-year-old Yorkie named Sunny and she literally is the sunshine in my life. When I’m not looking at my dog, I look at the screen: big screen, small screen, nothing under 480p though. Movies, TV shows, talk shows, podcasts – I love and consume them all. In between, I take breaks and write down short sketches, dialogues or general thoughts I have about stuff. Friends and family are important to me and I keep my relationships open, honest and full of references no one but me understands (with my friend Leonie often being the exception). If I had to choose one motto I live by, it would be “Not all those who wander are lost”, which is a passage from a poem in the first The Lord of the Rings book. I take it as motivation but also consolation and/or excuse when I’m struggling with plans for my future or finding the right address.

We have so many great ideas that we want to share with all of you. So go read and enjoy!